Hello Lovelies! Welcome to Adventures and Preggers
No, we are not always waddling around Preggers every day of the week. However, there are adventures to be had while pregnant and thereafter. The ULTIMATE Adventure! Our children! There has never been such an amazing adventure as raising beautiful babies and watching them blossom. Though this journey has its obstacles, its one to treasure for a lifetime.
Those days of messy hair, wearing a shirt with baby carrots smeared on your back and discovering your little one has painted the entire bathroom wall with shaving cream are moments to cherish. They will be the conversation topics for future generations and then some. Therefore, don’t be afraid to get messy, splash in mud muddles and embrace this epic journey!
Here at Adventures and Preggers we are dedicated to sharing knowledge on the topics of pregnancy, parenting and all the adventures between. Laughter and delight is the priority and here is a place to spread the love. Sharing experiences, life hacks, kids activities and day to day events is what it’s all about. If it can help others in their daily lives then I call that a success.
Explore the pages filled here with topics regarding everything from pregnancy survival, baby stages, family, DIY, crafts, kid activities and MORE! Adventure and Preggers focuses on inspiring and helping you. Parenting has its challenge’s and sharing our stories and tips is a way to provide others with an innovative approach.
I want you to smile, a lot! Laugh at yourself or at me, I won’t mind and just have fun. No one is perfect and that’s OK. If the milk went in the pantry and your cell phone went into the dishwasher, I call that one eventful day. Rather than beat ourselves up for the imperfections let us all embrace the unforeseeable future and share our stories. Laughter is the best medicine and here is a place dedicated to seek out more of it!
Sharing what we found that works, or doesn’t work, encourages others to try new things, have a few more laughs and make life easier.
For those of you that don’t know me personally, I’m a free spirit. I am outgoing and have a tendency to put myself out there. I would admit I need to dial it back a bit at times, but that’s just not my style. Go big or go home. Which brings me to my motto, “Even if you fall on your face, you’re still moving forward.” May I say I have indeed fallen on my face. You know what, it hurt, but I was moving forward!
I was born in Dallas and grew up in Colorado. Several years later I moved back to Dallas. I left a bit of my heart in the mountains and hope to travel back to my old stomping grounds often to share the mountain life I grew up in with my family. Upon returning to the great state of Texas, I attended college studying child development and Speech Pathology and Audiology. Despite my field of study, I obtained a career in a photography department which I have currently.
I am a professional photographer that specializes in newborn photography and family portraiture. Capturing those special moments and connection between loved ones inspires me. I strive to provide all my clients with epic images they can forever look back on and enjoy. You can check out my work HERE!
I am an artist at heart and paint regularly for myself and professionally as well. I have several pieces scattered about local restaurants and often donate pieces to charitable organizations that help children. If I could have it my way, I would paint all the time, everyday and have an entire warehouse dedicated to it. My kids and I would spend everyday creating vibrant creations to adorn my walls!
I’m a mother of two amazing, energetic boys. I would include my husband and say I have three, but I’ll let him shine on his own. We are avid outdoors-men. I really LOVE nature and all its beauty. Therefore, I want my kids to experience nature and all it has to offer. Our absolute favorite activity is fishing! I especially enjoy when we go on our annual surf fishing trip to the coast. Oh, the monsters we catch then make for such family fun.
My passion is art. Therefore, I make a point to encourage my children get in touch with their artsy side too. Creativity plays a huge role in our household. Crafts are something I plan to share with you as well. Projects will vary from kid’s crafts, party ideas, DIY, home décor and MORE. There will be a little something for everyone.
Outnumbered by all these boys, it’s just me and the cat with our female might, to keep them happy with lots of fun as well as not destroy the place. If you have boys, then you know they have quite a rambunctious side, something that is awesome and toilsome altogether.
Let the adventures begin!
I invite you to join me during these times of change and embrace the wild, awesome and unexpected events to come. Get in touch with your wild side as we trek on during this epic adventure. I love to hear from you. Please feel free to contact me anytime. I’m open to anything, share your stories or let me know a topic you would like to hear more about. Perhaps you want to rant about your latest fail at the grocery store check out line. Oh yes, I have left my wallet in the diaper bag at home and didn’t realize it until checkout… sigh.
You can also contact me anytime at adventuresandpreggers(at)gmail(dot)com