after pregnancy body back


You’ve pored over infant books, scoured the Internet and read each conceivable article about how to nurture an infant. You’ve been to your six-week post-delivery specialist’s visit and been given a doctor’s green signal of good health. You and your child may even have started to fall into some kind of routine amid the day and are getting a couple winks at night.

It is about time now that you begin to recover your body with some high spirit—which ordinarily implies losing a couple pounds. The question is where do you exactly start?


In case you don’t know where to begin, we have brought to you some tips and tricks for working your way back to your pre-pregnancy body—or far better! Here are six tips to losing the infant weight, and a truly feasible practice program you will have the capacity to take time out for.

 Keep a Track of Calories and fat Intake

after pregnancy body


Keep a track of the calories and fats you take on a daily basis. Avoid empty-calorie foods like sugary sodas and chips. Instead, incorporate a range of lean protein, whole grains, veggies and fruits and plenty of fat free or low-fat dairy products in your diet.


Breastfeed as Your Life Saver

after pregnancy body solutions


Fortunately, breastfeeding can help you burn 500 to 700 calories a day. Amazing? Isn’t it? It means you can enjoy a few more calories without having to worry about weight gain. But make sure you don’t get used to the increased intake because breastfeeding will stop but the habit will take some time to tapper off. You can really pack on the weight if you don’t maintain your diet downward and/or your exercise routine upward.


Get Along with other new moms

after pregnancy support

Don’t feel like you have time or energy to exercise anymore? Fret not! It is completely normal. Make a pact with other new moms to lose a number of pounds in a specified time period. And get on it. This will actually help you to be more motivated by seeing the women who have been through the same supporting you in this.


Take naps

nap after pregnancy

According to Sheah Rarback, director of nutrition at the University Of Miami School Of Medicine, enough rest and sleep is proved to help with weight loss because you are not relying on high-calorie, high-sugar foods for energy.

The metabolism gets affected by odd sleeping patterns like ones that are forced by a newborn. Therefore, it becomes even tougher to lose pregnancy weight. So make sure you take a nap whenever your baby does without thinking about your household work. By doing this, you will be able to stabilize your energy levels and prevent your unwelcome cravings as well.


A Big THANK YOU to the Beautiful Beth Martel for her contribution to Adventures and Preggers.  Get to know a bit more about her below and visit her site!




Author Bio:

This post was written by Beth Martel. She is a mother of two, a medical professional and a humanitarian. She blogs at Check out the 6 best foot massagers that all new moms need the most.



It is about time now that you begin to recover your body with some high spirit—which ordinarily implies losing a couple pounds. The question is where do you exactly start?

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