Your body is undergoing many changes. As your body adjusts to the growing baby inside, you may experience several occurrences. It’s not uncommon to have spells of nausea, backaches, mood swings, cramping without bleeding and feel tired or stressed.
I can recall passing out right on my computer desk during those first few months or becoming utterly furious at a raindrop. Honestly, only pregnancy can sway you into a fit of tears over a tampon commercial.
Just keep in mind that these things are normal and most of these discomforts will go away as your pregnancy progresses. Some women may have no discomfort at all. Just as each woman is different, so is each pregnancy. If you have been pregnant before, you might feel differently this pregnancy.
Feeling Tired
Many women feel tired even if they have had a ton of sleep the night between conception and 3 months pregnant. Your body is working very hard to develop a whole new life. Tiredness will pass over time and will be replaced with feelings of energy and well-being. When you feel tired, try to get some rest. Get eight hours of sleep every night and a nap during the day if possible. You might find sleeping on your left side more comfortable. This keeps pressure off major blood vessels that supply oxygen to the baby.
Nausea and Vomiting
Morning Sickness is a common occurrence during pregnancy and it’s not just in the morning. At 3 months pregnant, some women experience less morning sickness than usual. Tips to help nausea are eating small meals frequently rather than few larger ones. Its suggested to consume approximately 6 to 8 small meals a day.
Avoid fatty, fried or spicy foods as these may irritate your stomach. Try to eat foods such as toast, saltine crackers or dry cereal. Keep some by your bed and eat them before you get up and walking in the morning or in the middle of the night. Also, be sure to keep a snack with you at all times in case you feel sick while out. Drinking ginger ale or club soda between meals will also help. Ask your doctor about other things you can do if your nausea is severe to make sure you do not become dehydrated.
To prevent constipation, try to eat fresh or dried fruit, raw veggies and whole grain cereals each day. Also, do your best to drink up to 8 glasses of water each day. Avoid coffee, tea and soda since caffeine causes your body to lose fluid and won’t help with constipation.
Feeling lightheaded and even fainting can occur at any stage of pregnancy, especially with sudden changes in posture. Be careful not to change positions too quickly. You can help relieve these symptoms by lying down on your left side. You should also move around often rather that sit or stand for an extended period of time.
Varicose Veins and Hemorrhoids
Varicose veins look like swollen veins raised above the surface of the skin. They can be twisted, bulging and dark purple or blue. They are most often found on the backs of calves, on the inside of the leg or around the anus (hemorroids). You can attempt to prevent varicose veins during pregnancy by avoiding the use of tight clothing, sitting with your feet propped up and avoiding constipation.
Leg Cramps
Cramps in your legs or feet might occur due to a change in the way your body processes calcium. One way to prevent these cramps is to make sure to get enough calcium rich foods, such as nonfat or low fat milk. Talk to your doctor if you are not getting enough calcium in your diet.
Nosebleeds and Nasal Stuffiness
Changes in your hormones will affect the tissues of your throat, mouth and nose. These changes are usually not serious and you might not even notice them. When you blow your nose, you may see a small amount of blood in the tissue. Blow gently.
Stop a nosebleed by squeezing your nose between your thumb and finger for a minute. Nasal stuffiness should not be extreme and can be helped by drinking extra water or using a humidifier. If you have any of these symptoms often, tell your doctor. Do NOT take any medications for colds or nasal stuffiness without your doctor’s permission.
Mouth and Teeth
A pregnant woman’s teeth and gums need special care. Every expectant mother should have a complete oral exam prior to or very early in pregnancy. All needed dental work should be done early in the pregnancy if possible. Be sure to tell the dentist that you are pregnant. You can help bleeding gums by brushing with a soft bristle brush and flossing daily. Be sure to brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss at least once. This habit can protect your teeth and gums not only during pregnancy but for a lifetime.
Wrap up
Now don’t have a panic attack. These are just some symptoms that may occur. Many women experience none of these others all of them. However, your main focus in that amazing growing life inside you. Take good care of yourself so that your little one may blossom a healthy, happy bundle of joy. You are the vessel that is creating this life. Therefore it is super important to remember your needs too. Get some rest while you can, once that little one arrives, its a whole new world.