10 of the Best Foods for Boosting your Fertility

best foods for boosting fertility

Getting pregnant for some can be easy and others can have a difficult time. Sometimes it’s a matter of eating the right foods and treating your body the best way you can. Some women also find that getting pregnant is as easy as tracking their cycles. One way to do that is to download an app on your phone in order to see when you have your period, your usual cycle length and when you are ovulating. If you are not one for either a smartphone or apps, the Menstrual Cycle Calculator site[1], where you can enter how long your period was, when your most fertile period is (so that you can optimally plan when to have sex), and when to anticipate your next period, or take that pregnancy test. Sites like that can be helpful to also get a lot of information regarding what can also affect your body, your cycle and your fertility.

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10 Helpful Methods for Alleviating Back Pain during Pregnancy

If you ask 100 pregnant women what is the worst symptom they deal with, the overwhelming majority will say back pain. As your baby grows, all your organs move and press in different areas of your body.

Your center of gravity changes and you often find yourself hunched over trying to compensate. Your hips widen and ache, along with the extra weight of the baby, placenta, increased blood flow and amniotic fluid. Pregnancy sounds fun, doesn’t it?

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You Need These Key Nutrients Needed During Pregnancy

you need these key nutrients during pregnancy

You have a bun in the oven.  Well, like any good recipe, you need the right ingredients.  Same goes for you and what you put in your body during pregnancy.  You and your baby’s health are of the utmost importance during this time.  This is why making sure your body has all the right “ingredients” is so crucial.   The proper nutrition as well as the amount of vitamins and minerals you receive ensures that you and baby are healthy with all the key nutrients needed during pregnancy.

this is a product-provided, sponsored conversation that contains affiliate links.  I received Viactiv products for my  own personal use.  All opinions, text and experiences are my own.

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after pregnancy body back


You’ve pored over infant books, scoured the Internet and read each conceivable article about how to nurture an infant. You’ve been to your six-week post-delivery specialist’s visit and been given a doctor’s green signal of good health. You and your child may even have started to fall into some kind of routine amid the day and are getting a couple winks at night.

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Identifying Baby Skin Rash and Baby Skin Care

identifying baby skin rash and baby skin care

Your baby’s sweet and soft rolls feel so good in your arms.  Alright, not all babies have rolls.  However, those chunky monkey’s are super adorable.  (Ahem, yeah… my youngest is a total squish)  That soft, sweet skin is easy to love.  However, your baby’s skin is also very delicate and when a sudden blemish appears, it may come as a shock or scare.  Here is what to expect when identifying baby skin rash and baby skin care.

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Natural Remedies Every Mom Should Know

Natural Remedies Every Mom Should Know

As mothers we strive to provide our families and children with the best of life.  Daily we find ourselves presented with the next best product or item that is “the best choice for you and your family”.  Although many of the products are great, there are times when we would rather keep in natural.  Whether the situation call for care towards your kids or us moms need a quick pampering.  Here are a few Natural Remedies Every Mom Should Know.

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Breastfeeding Tips for New Moms

Breastfeeding tips for mom

The advantages of breastfeeding are abundant.  What a miraculous occurrence that your body not only created life, it also provides the essential nutrients your baby needs to grow healthy and strong.  If you are willing and able to breastfeed I highly recommend it.  Not only will it aid in healing your body after baby it also equips your baby with vital nutrients formulated just for them.  Challenges may arise and a few Breastfeeding Tips for New Moms can be quite useful.

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