Assign a Delivery Dialer
This is a task some of us don’t consider until we are strapped to the fetal monitor. You find yourself breathing through contractions and you want to notify your loved ones of any updates. Its difficult to text or talk through a contraction. Therefore, assign someone to be your designated Delivery Dialer.
When you check into the hospital, hand the phone over. That person is now in charge of contacting all those you love of any updates. It’s much easier to ask another to quickly send a message or call a friend than the momma who needs to concentrate on bringing baby into the world.
Eat Something
You never know how long labor will last. It could be a few hours or a day. Try and curb future hunger pains and eat a little something before you head out the door. Once admitted to the hospital, they will refuse you a meal in case an emergency arises, such as a C-section or other issue. They want your stomach as empty as possible before a procedure as this. Ugh, the hunger! Keep this in mind as you fight the contractions. Grab that half eaten sandwhich off your hubby’s plate and down it!
Install the Car seat
Some would consider this a no brainer. However, there are a few who buy the seat and in the box it sits by the front door. Then, boom! Your water breaks a week early and you’re in full blown labor. No mom wants to worry about the car seat in labor. This is one of the reasons it’s best to just get it out of the way.
Install it and forget it. I installed my seat two months before my due date. Good thing, considering little man arrived a month early. When baby is ready to come, they come. By preparing in advance, you eliminate this anxiety and stress.
Download a Contraction Timer
If you happen to find yourself having contractions, it’s recommended to time them before heading to the hospital. The rule of 5-1-1 is commonly referred to when experiencing these labor pains. Contractions should be 5 minutes apart, lasting 1 minute for 1 hour straight. Once this time frame syncs up with your contractions, it’s time to call the doctor and they will suggest if you should head to the hospital.
During all those contractions a momma in pain does not wish to peer into the face of a clock counting. Rather than struggle to keep track of time and muster the throes, have an app do it for you. There are several nifty contraction counters you can easily download to your phone for free. For my last baby I used Labor Signs Contraction Timer by Blue Cloud . Simply hit the start button when you feel a contraction coming on and tap it once more when it’s over. This leaves you to freely go about ways to distract yourself from the pain.
Who’s Coming with Me?
During labor, you may or may not want a ton of people in the delivery room. Think about how comfortable you are with others in the room. Some favor the whole family to be present. The more support the better. However, some prefer only a few others in the room or only their partner (this was me for number two).
Give it some thought and discuss with your partner whether or not you want others present while in labor. If you choose to have more than one person, ponder on ways to include others during this event. Request that mom take pictures (if you didn’t hire a photographer), ask your sister to help you while walking and so on. Getting everyone involved makes for an enjoyable delivery.
Map It
STUCK IN RUSH HOUR WITH A BABY ONE THE WAY, NO THANK YOU! You may already know where your hospital or birthing center is. On the contrary, you may not know what time you will be headed out. If its rush hour, the last thing you want is to be caught in traffic. Look into alternative routes in case of a back up or construction.
Once you have found a few routes, go for a scenic drive and test them out to be sure they lead to your destination in a timely manner. It’s also best to check these routes to be sure they have not closed down a street for construction or set up detours.
Choose a Pediatrician
Some would consider this to be common sense. Well no one told me with my first baby. Luckily the pediatrician on call that day happened to be an absolute dream. She is lovely and is currently our children’s primary care provider today.
Be sure to get on the ball and look into local Pediatric offices and choose the right doctor for your baby. Check reviews, stop by the facility or request a consultation with the doctor. Most Pediatricians are happy to oblige new parents who are seeking medical care for their baby and will set you up with a private one on one meeting to answer your questions.
A bit of advice before you hit the open road to parenthood. I wish you all the best during your delivery deed. It’s a day that will change your life forever and one you will never forget. Congrats Momma’s!
Don’t forget to pack your hospital bag. Print your FREE Ultimate Hospital Delivery Bag Checklist NOW!
Great tips! I also found it helpful to preregister so when I got to the hospital I only had to sign a couple of papers. And don’t forget to have your bags packed!
Oh yes, these are both very important as well.
Great Tips! I am 39 weeks pregnant and have checked all of these things off my list! Now its just a waiting game!
Congrats! So excited for you and your new addition on the way. Good luck in delivery and wish you all the best!
Aww, these pieces of advice sound very relevant
And I do agree that being prepared way before your due date is super important, you don’t want to be taken by surprise and not be ready one bit.
Great list! I also think figuring out what you want your first post-delivery meal to be is highly important. 😉
Thank you. Yes, remembering to eat before you head out is a must! You never know how long labor and delivery will last.
Actually I meant post-delivery, but eating before delivery is equally important. Good call!
Agreed. Post-delivery meals are the best. All that hard work with a savory reward!